This form is to be completed by an ongoing employee seeking to relocate to a new work base. Upon receipt and assessment by the Department, in principal approval may be granted for the employee to proceed with the relocation and to seek reimbursement of reasonable relocation costs.
Eligible costs may be payable to an ongoing employee who relocates permanently. Following the employee’s relocation, the employee is to complete and submit Form 73 Claim for reimbursement for relocation expenses, along with relevant documentation, for assessment of the claim by the Department.
If you are planning to seek payment of reasonable relocation expenses please note the following eligibility requirements:
Provisions relating to reasonable relocation expenses are set out in the Relocations Expenses Guidelines. Additional information to help MOP(S) Act Employees who are relocating can be found in the Relocation Checklist.
In the event your employment under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 (MOP(S) Act) ceases, there is no provision for assistance with costs involved in returning to your original location.
Privacy Collection Notice: The Department of Finance (the Department) uses and discloses personal information collected in this form to facilitate the administration of the parliamentary business resources framework, and for employment purposes including to facilitate the management of your employment and for workforce planning purposes. The Department handles your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988. Personal and sensitive information may be disclosed to your employing Parliamentarian or other third party entities relevant to your employment, for workforce planning purpose or for improving culture in Commonwealth Parliamentary workplaces, including, but not limited to, the Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority (IPEA), the Department of Parliamentary Services, the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service (PWSS), or will be disclosed as otherwise authorised or required by law. Details of the related expenditure may be tabled in Parliament, published on the Department’s website, or provided to the Special Minister of State, IPEA, or publicly, as authorised by law. More information is available at