Last updated
26 September 2024


Changes to claims processed by PWSS

From 26 September 2024, the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service (PWSS) will transition to a new financial management system and will no longer process payments in PEMS.

Please contact the relevant teams below if you have any outstanding PWSS claims in PEMS.

Claim Type Contact Details
Job advertisements (employee vacancies), vulnerable people check and Career Transition Payment. HR Advice or call 1800 747 977 (option 2)  
WHS programs, WHS equipment and WHS services.
Employee rehabilitation and psychological services. 
WHS or call 1800 747 977 (option 3)  
Training courses and Studies Assistance. PWSS Academy or call 1800 747 977 (option 4)

Expenditure reporting is now available in PEMS

Expenditure reporting is now available for parliamentarians and their authorised staff to access and review in the Parliamentary Expenses Management System (PEMS). This is available through the ‘Certify Expenditure Reports’ tile.

Staff access to view expenditure reports

Parliamentarians and staff can use the ‘Manage Authorisations’ tile in PEMS to arrange access for office staff to assist in reviewing expenditure reports for certification.

  • The ‘View Expenditure Reports’ authorisation is required for staff to access the ‘Certify Expenditure Reports’ tile in PEMS.
  • The 'View Senator or Members Budgets’ authorisation is required to view additional transactional information for your parliamentarian or other staffers within your office.

Note: Authorisation requests can only be approved by Parliamentarians. When authorisations are approved, it will take effect from the following day. 

Please refer to the Manage Authorisations guide on the Ministerial and Parliamentary Services website for more information on authorisations. 

Need Help?

IPEA has developed three videos and three step-by-step PEMS guides that cover all aspects of the expenditure reporting functionality in PEMS:

Contact us

About PEMS

PEMS is an online, secure portal that enables parliamentarians and their staff to claim and manage expenses over any computer or mobile device with an internet connection.

To help get you started, range of how to guides and videos are available to support you.  It is important you become familiar with PEMS features so you can: 

Both MaPS and IPEA will deliver PEMS training related to their respective responsibilities. IPEA will provide training on PEMS travel and budgets.

PEMS will continue to add more administrative functions as they become available. Theses updates will be communicated to PEMS users.

Training, resources and support for PEMS is available here on the MaPS website, over the phone (02) 6215 3000 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm AEST), by email or in person by requesting an appointment with our PEMS training team.

More information about PEMS workshops is available on MOP(S) Learning. - external site.

How do I log into PEMS

To log into PEMS, click on the ‘PEMS’ icon on the top of this website. To register as a user, you will need the email address that is on file with MaPS. If you don’t have an email on file or are unsure, contact the MaPS Help Desk.

To learn more about registering and setting up your two factor authentication, view our how to guide

Manage Authorisations

Parliamentarians can delegate specific authorisations to staff such as approving leave or managing office expenses.

Authorisations are allocated to Parliamentarians by default and ONLY they can delegate access to MOP(S) Act Employees in their organisational unit.

*Note: Requests can only be approved by the Parliamentarian

Download Help Guide HERE

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