Employment instruments and authorisations

Last updated
20 February 2025

Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 (MOP(S) Act)

Provides for:

  • the employment of personal employees by office-holders in positions allocated by the Prime Minister
  • the employment of electorate employees by office-holders, Senators and Members in positions allocated by the Minister for Finance
  • the power to determine arrangements relating to employment, including travel by staff
  • the cessation of employment, including the power to direct that cessation be deferred to a later date.

Commonwealth Members of Parliament (Staff) Enterprise Agreement 2024-27

Sets the employment terms and conditions for all electorate staff and personal staff, including senior staff.

Determinations and directions

Successive responsible Ministers have made determinations and authorisations under the authority provided by the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 to assist in the administration of entitlements of employees.


Official establishments Staff Determinations

After body