Employee Consultative Group

Last updated
03 October 2024

The Employee Consultative Group (ECG) is a committee established under the Enterprise Agreement for discussion of and consultation on workplace issues affecting MOP(S) Act employees. Its membership includes employee representatives from all political parties, unions and MaPS staff (on behalf of the Minister for Finance).

Anybody can raise a workplace issue with an ECG member for ECG discussion. The issue should affect MOP(S) Act employees generally, rather than an individual employee or office. If the issue is about work health and safety, the issue should be raised with the WHS Committee.

MaPS also consults the ECG on proposed changes to the Enterprise Agreement guidelines and employment policies, and includes those views in relevant briefings to the Minister. ECG members are encouraged to seek feedback from those they represent on proposed changes.


The ECG usually meets every few months on the Friday following a parliamentary sitting week.  A record of the meeting is published as soon as possible after each meeting. Records from previous Parliaments are available upon request by emailing ECG@finance.gov.au

ECG members

The ECG is comprised of employee representatives from each workgroup. Workgroups are based on party lines proportionate to the number of employee positions in each work group. The committee also includes union and management representatives.

Employee representatives

Current ECG representatives and their contact details are listed below.

Party Name Office Contact details
Australian Labor Party Liz Bateson Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP Liz.Bateson@ag.gov.au
Ph: 02 6277 7300
Australian Labor Party Sofia Wilson Senator the Hon Sue Lines Sofia.Wilson@aph.gov.au
Australian Labor Party Nathalie Rosales-Cheng Anne Aly MP Nathalie.Rosales-Cheng@education.gov.au
Australian Labor Party Amy Knox Ms Joanne Ryan MP Amy.Knox@aph.gov.au
Australian Labor Party Connor Wherrett Hon Chris Bowen MP Connor.Wherrett@protected.dcceew.gov.au
Liberal Party of Australia Michelle Hutchinson Hon Peter Dutton MP Michelle.Hutchinson@aph.gov.au
Liberal Party of Australia Leonie Lloyd-Smith Mr Rowan Ramsey MP Leonie.Lloyd-Smith@aph.gov.au
Liberal Party of Australia Jessica Howard Mr Bert Van Mannen MP Jessica.Howard@aph.gov.au
The Nationals Cathy Heidrich Hon David Littleproud MP Cathy.Heidrich@aph.gov.au
Ph: 0428 051 736
Australian Greens Kym Chapple Senator David Shoebridge Kym.Chapple@aph.gov.au 
Ph: 02 8073 7400
Independents and minority parties C/Office of Dr Helen Haines Dr Helen Haines MP Helen.Haines.MP@aph.gov.au
Ph: 03 5721 7077

If an ECG representative is unable to attend a scheduled meeting, they may arrange for a substitute from the same workgroup to attend in their place. Current substitute ECG representatives are listed below.

Party Name Office Contact details
Australian Labor Party Vacant    
Australian Labor Party

Bryce Wilson


Mr David Smith MP Bryce.Wilson@aph.gov.au
Ph: 0427 544 368 or 02 6293 1344
Australian Labor Party Kate Crossin Senator the Hon Anthony Chisholm Kate.Crossin@aph.gov.au
Liberal Party of Australia Tim Robertson Senator Colbeck (Tasmania) Tim.robertson@aph.gov.au
Ph: 0407 183 549
Liberal Party of Australia Vacant    
The Nationals Kerrod Gream Senator Matthew Canavan Kerrod.Gream@aph.gov.au
Ph: 07 4927 2003
Australian Greens Vacant    
Independents and minority parties Vacant    

Union representatives

Name Union Contact details
Rosemary Ryan
Emma Groube
Hannah Smith
Community and Public Sector Union Rosemary.Ryan@cpsu.org.au
Joshua Polak United Services Union jpolak@usu.org.au

Terms of reference

The terms of reference (see related resources) were agreed by the ECG on 10 February 2023.