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Parliamentary Workplace Support Service
Learning and Development offerings
Safe and respectful workplace culture
Workplace health and safety
Manager’s Toolkit
Offices resources and budgets
Office management: property
Office expenses budget
Other work expenses and resources
Parliamentary Business Resources framework
Pay and employment
Changes to Casual Employment
MOP(S) Act employment
Enterprise Agreement
Pay cut-off dates
Leave and public holidays
Staff allowances
Employee Consultative Group
Income Statements
Federal, State, Territory or Local Elections
Federal elections - Parliamentarians
Federal Elections - MOP(S) Act employees
About MaPS and other services
About MaPS
Help Desk
Commonwealth Parliament Offices (MaPS state and territory offices)
Administration responsibilities
MaPS Client Service Charter
Office and Budget Management
External contacts
Pre-claim assessments
Set up your PEMS account
PEMS Customisation
Parliamentary Business Resources obligations
Parliamentary business (dominant purpose test)
Value for money
Ethical obligations
Conditions for claiming
Parliamentary Retirement Travel Act 2002
Parliamentary Workplace Support Service
Learning and Development offerings
Professional Development Program
Ad hoc training requests
Study assistance
Travelling for training guidance
Work Health Safety roles - specific training
Safe and respectful workplace culture
What is inappropriate behaviour and sexual harassment?
What can I do if I am being bullied or harassed at work?
What can I do if I am accused of workplace bullying or harassment?
Preventing workplace bullying and harassment
Parliamentary Workplace Support Service
National Anti-Corruption Commission
Safe and respectful workplaces training
Legislation and policies
Set the Standard: Report on the Independent Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces
Workplace health and safety
Roles and responsibilities
WHS duties
PCBU duties
Officer duties
Worker duties
WHS committee
Nominated WHS roles
WHS policies
Preventing WHS incidents
WHS role training
Flu vaccination program
Ergonomic and worksite assessments
Workplace adjustments
WHS risks during the election period
Reporting incidents and hazards
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Work health and safety and wellbeing during COVID-19
Emergency Response Management
National Anti-Corruption Commission
Engaging a volunteer
Reporting bullying and harassment
Case management
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
NewAccess workplaces – mental health coaching
Workers' compensation
Early intervention program
WHS library
Manager’s Toolkit
Leading Self
Leading Others
Fostering a Successful Team
Offices resources and budgets
Office management: property
Office types and purposes
Use of offices and office resources
Furniture, equipment and office ICT
Office maintenance
Refurbishments and relocations
Office expenses budget
Annual budget for office expenses
Conditions for claiming
Stationery, publications, flags, nationhood material and wreaths
ICT and telecommunications
Mobile office expenses
Claiming PBR expenses
Other work expenses and resources
Exceptional circumstances determinations
Private-plated vehicles (parliamentarians)
Canberra-based vehicles: parliamentarians
Vehicle administration: parliamentarians
Services to Ministers
Legal assistance to Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries
Parliamentary Injury Compensation Scheme: parliamentarians
Parliamentary Business Resources framework
Pay and employment
Changes to Casual Employment
MOP(S) Act employment
Responsibilities of parliamentarians, employees, MaPS and IPEA
Employment instruments and authorisations
Recruitment and establishing positions
Salary, employment types and positions
Electorate support budget
Advertising positions and interviews
Employment agreements and contracts
Probation period
National police checks
Employing family members
New employees
During employment
Induction, position descriptions and performance feedback
Variation to contracts
Studying and training
Salary, employment types and positions
Salary progression and higher duties
Superannuation (staff)
Salary packaging: staff
Private-plated vehicles (staff)
Workplace giving program
Fringe benefit tax
Relocating staff
Travel: staff
Ceasing employment
Enterprise Agreement
2024-2027 Bargaining
Pay cut-off dates
Leave and public holidays
Public holidays
Annual leave
Personal leave
Long service leave
Leave without pay
Parental leave
Other forms of leave
Transferring leave
Staff allowances
Employee Consultative Group
Salary and remuneration: parliamentarians
Superannuation: parliamentarians
Fringe benefits tax
Electorate allowance
Private-plated vehicles: parliamentarians
Vehicle administration: parliamentarians
Residential internet and telephone costs
Resigning from the Parliament
Income Statements
Federal, State, Territory or Local Elections
Federal elections - Parliamentarians
Federal Elections - MOP(S) Act employees
About MaPS and other services
About MaPS
Help Desk
Commonwealth Parliament Offices (MaPS state and territory offices)
Administration responsibilities
MaPS Client Service Charter
Office and Budget Management
External contacts
Pre-claim assessments
Set up your PEMS account
PEMS Customisation
Parliamentary Business Resources obligations
Parliamentary business (dominant purpose test)
Value for money
Ethical obligations
Conditions for claiming