Under the Work, Health and Safety Act 2011, every MOP(S) Act employee has an obligation to ensure that all work-related incidents or hazards are reported.
What is an incident?
An incident that occurs during the course of duties connected to your employment, could include:
- Injury requiring first aid or medical treatment
- Psychological injury
- Near misses
It is important to report incidents, regardless of whether a person was hurt. This includes incidents of aggression from constituents, as well as other incidents that may impact on the psychological and/or physical safety of MOP(S) Act employees.
Reporting of incidents allows trends and mitigations to be identified and implemented.
What is a hazard?
A hazard includes:
- Physical hazards – factors or conditions in the environment that can harm your health (heat, water spilt on a floor)
- Psycho-social hazards - aspects of work that have a potential to cause psychological or physical harm (eg constituent aggression, workplace violence)
- Ergonomic hazards – physical factors (lighting issues, noise, workstation design)
- Biological hazards – organic substances (eg mould)
On identifying a hazard, you should eliminate the hazard if possible (eg clean up spilt water on a floor), warn your colleagues to reduce the risk of any injury and then report the hazard.
Reporting an incident or hazard
All work-related incidents and hazards must be reported, and can be reported by:
- Using the self-service portal, Skytrust
- By calling the WHS provider, Marsh, on 1300 418 288; or
- By emailing mops.safety@marsh.com
If you have any issues using Skytrust, you can contact the dedicated Marsh MOP(S) Contact Centre, which is available 8:30am to 7:00pm AEST by calling 1300 418 288.
Further information on reporting incidents can be found on the MaPS website.
If you have any further questions in relation to these arrangements please contact the WHS team on 02 6215 3333 (option 2) to discuss next steps or email at MOPSWHS@finance.gov.au.