
Current Circulars relate to provisions currently available under the parliamentary work expense framework. Some circulars may contain references to historical legislative instruments and/or information. However, elements of the circular, for example the administration of the provision, remain current.

Reference code Topic Category Date
2025/01 'Parliamentary Business’ changes for parliamentarians and how they may direct their staff Employees' Employment Framework
2024/03 Commencement of the new MOP(S) Act Enterprise Agreement 2024-27 Employees' Employment Framework
2024/02 Ballot Result - MOP(S) Act Enterprise Agreement Employees' Employment Framework
2023/06 Members of Parliament Staff Enterprise Agreement – Commencement of Bargaining Employees' Employment Framework
2023/05 Determination to give effect to Electorate Staff Resources Employees' Employment Framework
2023/4 Commencement of the National Anti-Corruption Commission
2023/01 Changes to leave arrangements relating to Covid-19 Employees' Employment Framework
2022/4 Reconstitution of The Employee Consultative Group and Work Health and Safety Committee Departmental Information
2022/3 Extension: Review of the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 Departmental Information
2022/2 Review of the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 Departmental Information
2022/01 Additional public resources in exceptional circumstances - natural disasters Departmental Information
2021/11 Independent Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary  Workplaces report Work, Health and Safety
2021/10 Parliamentary Workplace Support Service Work, Health and Safety
2020/09 Safe and Respectful Workplaces training program Work, Health and Safety
2021/05 Participation in the Independent Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces Work, Health and Safety
2021/02 Independent Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary workplaces Work, Health and Safety
2021/01 MOP(S) Act enterprise agreement - recommencement of bargaining Departmental Information
2020/12 Use of office expenses for regional community and open narrowcast radio services Office Administration
2020/10 Use of office expenses for regional radio broadcasting services Office Administration
2020/09 Deployment of MOP(S) Act employees to Australian Public Service agencies in response to COVID-19 Office Administration
2020/06 Protecting the health and safety of MOP(S) Act employees Work, Health and Safety
2020/04 Use of Canberra-based self-drive vehicles Parliamentarians' travel
2020/02 Additional support to parliamentarians to approve working from home and leave arrangements Employees' Employment Framework
2020/01 Members of Parliament Staff Enterprise Agreement – Commencement of Bargaining Employees' Employment Framework
2019/07 New Professional Development Program courses available Departmental Information
2019/04 Election of WHS Representatives for MOP(S) Employees Employees' Employment Framework
2019/05 Reconstitution of the Employee Consultative Group Employees' Employment Framework
2019/06 Data Products and Data Validation Services Employees' Employment Framework
2018/11 Change to Emergency Management Services (EMS) Provider Departmental Information
2018/07 Change to Employee Assistance Program Provider Work, Health and Safety
2018/06 Revisions to the Workplace Bullying and Harassment - Policy and Procedure for MOP(S) Act Employees and Parliamentarians Work, Health and Safety
2018/04 Online Training – Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace Work, Health and Safety
2018/02 Change to Work Health and Safety (WHS) and Occupational Rehabilitation Provider Work, Health and Safety
2017/01 New Motor Vehicle Allowance Rate Employees' Travel
Employment of electorate officers Election
2016/07 Work Health and Safety arrangements in Parliamentarians’ workplaces Work, Health and Safety
2016/08 Work Health and Safety arrangements for MOP(S) Act employees Work, Health and Safety