The Parliamentary Workplace Support Service (PWSS)

The Parliamentary Workplace Support Service (PWSS) offers an independent and confidential service for everyone who works or volunteers in a Commonwealth Parliamentary workplace, who has been impacted by serious incidents or misconduct, or workplace conflict that amounts to a work health and safety risk.
The PWSS can provide support services, early intervention, local resolution and an external complaint review service, where appropriate. The PWSS is staffed by highly skilled, trained case coordinators with expertise in trauma-informed support, social work and counselling.
Contact The PWSS 24 hours per day, 7 days per week on 1800 PH PWSS (1800 747 977).
You can also reach the service via SMS/Text on 0487 112 755 or via email at
Manager Support Program

Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), includes a Manager Support Program that can provide support to you in your role of managing staff and teams effectively. Through the Manager Support Program you can discuss complex challenges including:
- mental health of team members
- performance based conversations
- managing conflict
- supporting people through change and critical incidents
Contact Benestar 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to schedule an appointment. Appointments can be made by phoning 1300 360 364 or online.
Essential Guides and Resources