Parliamentarians and MOP(S) Act employees are covered by the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act) and the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011.
Parliamentarians have duties under the WHS Act to ensure the health and safety of persons in any workplace where they or their employees work. MOP(S) Act employees, contractors and volunteers in a parliamentarian’s office also have duties as a worker under the WHS Act. All parties must report all work-related incidents and hazards through Skytrust.
Formal work health and safety policies covering parliamentarians and MOP(S) Act employees are developed by MaPS, in consultation with the WHS Committee.
Information on other WHS policies can be found under workplace health and safety.
Workplace bullying and harassment policy
Under the WHS Act parliamentarians, MOP(S) Act employees and MaPS share the responsibility for eliminating or minimising the risks connected with workplace bullying and harassment. Everyone in the workplace has a duty to take reasonable care that their behaviour does not affect their own health and safety, or that of other persons.
The workplace bullying and harassment policy (see related resources) provides parliamentarians and MOP(S) Act employees with up-to-date information to assist them to fulfil their responsibilities to address workplace bullying and harassment by:
- clarifying what workplace bullying and harassment is and isn't
- clarifying who has responsibilities for preventing and addressing workplace bullying and harassment within MOP(S) Act employment
- providing advice on the processes and principles for the handling of formal complaints, investigations and appeals that involve allegations of workplace bullying and/or harassment
- noting additional information, including some of the consequences of the unique characteristics of MOP(S) Act employment.