Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act) a person is a worker if the person carries out work in any capacity for a person conducting a business or undertaking.
Who has the duties of a worker?
All MOP(S) Act employees and volunteers who carry out work for a parliamentarian are workers under the WHS Act.
What are the duties of a worker?
As a worker, you need to:
- take reasonable care for your own health and safety while at work and ensure your acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other workers in your workplace;
- exercise duty of care in relation to what is reasonably expected, taking into account the degree of control you have over work activities and work environment
- comply with any reasonable instruction that is given by the person conducting a business or undertaking (i.e. your employing parliamentarian and Finance) to allow the person to comply with the WHS Act
- be proactive and become actively involved in activities and programs designed to improve health and safety
- cease or refuse to carry out work if there is a reasonable concern that the task would expose you to a serious risk to health or safety
- comply with any policies or procedures that have been put in place for your health and safety
- notify your manager, WHS Site Officer and the contracted WHS and Occupational Rehabilitation Services provider immediately of any injuries or illness that occur at your workplace
- be proactive in recognising and reporting potential hazards in the workplace.